
IMG_0997Not every family can afford simple necessities needed to care for their young children. Swaddling Clothes helps teen mothers, single mothers, struggling families, grandparents who have custody of their grandchildren, and foster families. Some families have fallen on hard times and other were made mothers and fathers without having the financial or familial resources to help with their new vocations.

Every life if precious. Christians are called to share the mercy of Christ to those precious lives in need. Swaddling Clothes was created to do just that. Everything is given away for free. Volunteer staff members will do everything they can to accommodate the needs of everyone who enters their doors.

Your donation will help members in our communities. Each center does its best to accommodate the needs of each family who enters their doors. While each center receives wonderful clothing donations and other gently used items, there are other items we don’t readily receive but that are greatly needed, such as diapers and wipes.

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